Random Act of Kindness Day is a day that would usually pass most of us by. Before the current pandemic, we were all so caught up in our day to day lives and busy schedules that a day like this may not have had much significance. In 2021, it is days like this that we must cherish and celebrate! In light of today I have been asking myself: what can I do to be more kind this year? I thought it would be a nice idea to share some of these thoughts with you all and hopefully give you some positive motivation and inspiration.
Be kind to the planet: Something I would really like to improve on this year is my environmental impact. I think it is safe to say the past year has brought a lot of us closer to nature, and because of this I have most definitely found a greater appreciation for our planet. Here at Success and across all of Melissa Curry’s lines, we are proudly low waste and 0% plastic. I think we can all make a bigger effort this year to lower our plastic use and be conscious of where we shop. My goal is to try and be as ethical and environmentally friendly as possible.
Be kind to others: People are really struggling in our current climate. Although we are all missing our ‘normal’ lives, let’s try and show some gratitude for our loved ones. I’m going to check in on my friends and family as much as I can and remind them of how much they mean to me. You would be surprised at how positively this can impact your day!
Be kind to yourself: This could possibly be the most important of all! Without looking after ourselves, the above will not be achieved to their full potential. There are many forms of self-care and each is individual to the person. Personally, I like to take a walk, run a hot bath or practice meditation when I want to wind down and clear my head. My goal for this year is to try and look after my well-being and incorporate self-care into my routine every day, even if it is in small amounts.
I hope these thoughts will inspire some positivity for you all and maybe you will decide to join me with some of these goals.
Wishing you all a Happy Kindness Day from myself and the team at Success.